Ethical Principles


  1. Obviously, the Sociological Association of Iran and the editorial board of the journal, based on the principle of trust, leave the responsibility of the validity and accuracy of the content of the articles to the colleagues and members of the scientific community. Names who are considered to be the real authors of articles is take into consideration in the first copy of the article that is sent to the office of the journal.
  2. The editorial board has repeatedly requested and expects that the article submitted to the journal for publication should not be published anywhere else (scientific-research or any other forms).
  3. As it is known in a number of cases some authors, before delivering the final text of the article to the system or sending it in the traditional way to the journal office, use articls as a "working paper" on personal sites or any other ways in Virtual networks, expose readers to study so that those interested and those who have specialized experience on the subject of the article can make suggestions - for example, in the form of comments - to the author in order to enrich the quality of the article. Obviously, this method is useful if promoted in our scientific community, and it does not contradict the principle that the article should not have been published somewhere before being submitted to the site of the Iranian Sociological Journal.
  4. The editorial board manages the reviewing process of the article in such a way that the reviewers are not aware of the name of the author / authors and the author / authors are not aware of the name and of the reviewers.
  5. As it is known the Sociological Association of Iran and the editorial board do not have any mechanism to control the accuracy of the content of the article and its originality in the name of respected authors. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) - does not have such control over the publication of articles. Therefore, all moral responsibility for the authenticity of the submitted articles lies with the authors.
  6. This journal follows the cope rules.
  7. This journal follows international "Creative Commons License" rules.


Authors who intend to publish an article in this journal commit to the following conditions:


  1. The copyright belongs to the author, and the author under the Creative Commons Attribution License allows the journal to share the published article with others, provided that the copyright of the work is preserved and the original publication of the article in this journal is noted.
  2. Authors are able to enter and separate from additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of a published version of this journal of work (e.g., putting it into an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), acknowledging its publication in this journal.
  3. The author is authorized and encouraged to submit his work online (for example, in corporate repositories or on his website) even before and during the submission process, provided that it leads to product exchanges, as well as citation of published works. Has been observed.



The Iranian Journal of Sociology is published under license (CC-By 4.0) and individuals can use its contents only if they cite the main article published in this journal. By submitting an article to this journal, all intellectual property rights except the right to publish the article will belong to the authors, provided that the original reference of the articles (Iranian Journal of Sociology) is mentioned and cited in republishing and using the content of the articles.