Document Type : scientific



Sheikh Fazlollah Noori is regarded to be one of the most influential figures in constitutional age and also the most significant dissenter of the movement. It has been argued a lot about his reasons for dissenting constitutionalism, besides his perception of administration of law. However, what intended to be discussed here is an analysis of Sheikh's conception of the basis of social order. The main question of the study is: what interpretation and grasp he did have on the origin of social order? Also, how he associates the mentioned order and God's will? The question above-mentioned is studied in accordance with Charles Davis' categorization of the perception of social order into three types of sacred, secular and pluralist societies on the basis of societies' approach to the sacred. Accordingly, Noori's perception of the basis of social order corresponds precisely to sacred society; i.e. a society – not the progeny of human's will and adaptation, but a super human or divine will to which people are to adapt. Literally, Noori deprives people of the existing human potentiality and social possibilities through sanctifying, thus immunizing it against any change. In other words, Sheikh is known to be against change and innovation, of any kind, by means of congealing the law and evicting the social agents from accessing it. Arrangement and codification of laws – in his view – is presumed to be the heresy of religion; he, moreover, assumes general deputies (al-nowwāb al-amm) to be the guardians of the originality of Islam. He introduces the king, the executive of the Islamic government and interprets the debilitation of the Islam-guardian king as a derogation of religion. By and large, all Noori's argumentations are in line with protection, reinforcement of the existing order via its sanctification. Sheikh's perception of justice is also in full compliance with sacred image of order. Justice in Sheikh Fazlollah's point of view is nothing, but the implementation of canonical laws and whereas equity in his viewpoint was in opposition to them, it is rated as absolute tyranny.
